Your time is a valuable resource, and every minute counts. As a busy business owner, you may lack the essential time or knowledge to really tackle your own marketing to its fullest potential. If you have a marketing team at your side and they are fresh out of school, lacking in practical experience, or you are not necessarily seeing the results that you are looking for, then Smarty University is perfect for you and your team. Our experienced Fort Lauderdale digital marketing training team will take the stress out of these equations by mentoring your team, releasing you to tackle the many things you do as an entrepreneur instead of creating and applying training.
We know that you are, above all, passionate about your business. Here at Smarty Pantz Marketing, we are passionate about providing you and your team with the skills and knowledge to skyrocket your brand’s potential reach. Nothing prepares someone for learning like passion. You and your team can learn everything you have wanted to know about marketing here with us in our Smarty University here in Fort Lauderdale. Our digital marketing courses cover subjects like social media strategizing, measuring the effectiveness of paid advertising, getting the most out of your email marketing, building marketing plans, and even LinkedIn tips and tricks. Each session will teach you something useful and applicable about digital marketing and how to tailor it specifically to your company. Digital marketing isn’t simple, but if you’re committed to learning the trade, your company’s potential is limitless.
You’re not new to marketing, or your business, but we think that learning is a continuing experience. If you are a solo business owner, or an entrepreneur with an existing marketing team, our Fort Lauderdale digital marketing courses can increase your prowess efficiently and cost-effectively. Investing in your and your team’s education has never been easier. We don’t recommend these courses for those who are brand-new to marketing, as these classes cover some higher level concepts, but we are excited to show you just how these training sessions can boost your company’s visibility, brand awareness, and profits. Sign up today and discover what your brand is capable of.
Entrepreneurs or business owners who are looking for a digital marketing course in Fort Lauderdale will be impressed with our comprehensive team marketing training programs. Your marketing team will learn the 5 specialties listed below over the course of a few weeks. This program includes 1-on-1 coaching, take-home materials, handouts, and 4 hours of coaching assistance after the bootcamp is completed, among other things. The 5 training sessions last 3- to 4-hours and participants will be taught each subject as well as take part in live examples, such as crafting their 1st Facebook ad, writing an effective e-mail campaign and more.
Our Fort Lauderdale digital marketing bootcamps are ideal for business owners who do their own marketing and wear all the possible hats. We recognize that busy professionals like you may not have the ability to employ an agency or hire internally, therefore a marketing bootcamp is the ideal approach to sharpen your abilities. This program includes 1-on-1 coaching, take-home materials, handouts, and 2 hours of coaching assistance after the bootcamp is completed, among other things. Invest in your business by enrolling in this intensive training. We do not recommend these training sessions for those new to marketing fundamentals.
It’s one thing to know the basics about how to market and optimize your brand’s digital footprint, but another to really understand how to do so with efficiency. With Smarty University, you will not only build on the skills you already possess, but also grasp how to continuously apply these skills to improve your company’s online presence. We offer businesses in Fort Lauderdale digital marketing courses that can help you increase not only your brand visibility, but also remove potential stressors by giving your team more tools on their digital marketing belt. You can rest assured knowing that your business will not only continue to flourish, but that your practices are optimized and efficient. Investing in your company and team’s knowledge is a surefire way to improve your bottom line and keep your business growing for years to come.
With over 20 years of combined experience in the business and marketing fields, we’ve honed and tailored marketing strategies for years. Our president, Allen Levin, previously helmed the marketing department as marketing director for professional athletes, local businesses, and several recognizable brands such as the Miami Dolphins and Breakthru Beverage. Smarty Pantz partner, Juan Ortega, is an accomplished business coach, focusing on marketing, sales, and profits. We’ve spent years developing, sharpening, and improving our skills so we can help businesses that need it. We have the knowledge, experience, creativity, and local know-how to help you develop your understanding of digital marketing and how it can help your business.
We know you aren’t entirely unfamiliar with a lot of digital marketing concepts, but in this day and age, the digital landscape is growing exponentially. Don’t get left behind in the daily changes in the marketing world; join us and unlock your brand’s full potential. Investing in Smarty University classes can help you get an edge on your competition, step up your digital marketing game, and prepare your business for any marketing hurdles you may come across. Get ready to take notes and take charge of your company’s future with our digital marketing courses here in Fort Lauderdale. Class is in session!
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Not really sure how to use LinkedIn effectively for your niche?
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People like you are using LinkedIn to secure more business but you are not sure how they are doing it?
Not sure how to consistently Prospect on LinkedIn for new business?
Not really sure how to use LinkedIn effectively for your niche?
Not enough consistent qualified B2B leads for your business?
People like you are using LinkedIn to secure more business but you are not sure how they are doing it?
Not sure how to consistently Prospect on LinkedIn for new business?
Not really sure how to use LinkedIn effectively for your niche?
Not enough consistent qualified B2B leads for your business?
People like you are using LinkedIn to secure more business but you are not sure how they are doing it?
Not sure how to consistently Prospect on LinkedIn for new business?
Not really sure how to use LinkedIn effectively for your niche?
Not enough consistent qualified B2B leads for your business?
People like you are using LinkedIn to secure more business but you are not sure how they are doing it?
Not sure how to consistently Prospect on LinkedIn for new business?
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Even though I am a seasoned business owner myself, I am sure that there’s always room for growth, inspiration, and new ideas.”
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