Website Development

It is imperative to have a modern website in the digital world that we live in. Your business needs a website to showcase your brand, promote your services and act as a digital footprint.

Smarty Pantz Marketing offers custom website development for Fort Lauderdale businesses, from WordPress designs to Lead Generating landing pages.

We create you a custom design that matches your brand that will be beautiful, elegant and professional. We then code your website with the most up to date plugins and tools that are necessarily for a functional website

Finally, our website development team in Fort Lauderdale ensures that your site is secure (SSL), mobile-friendly, easy to navigate and SEO optimized.
We specialize in helping businesses build lead generation-focused websites that bring your vision to life.

Our website development experts in Fort Lauderdale have designed and built over 1,000 websites spanning a multitude of industries and use innovative ideas to make sure your website is unique.

Smarty Pantz Web Development Services


Highly converting website that are easy to manage, SEO optimized and focus on getting you visibility and new business opportunities. Always mobile friendly and secure.


Professionally built websites with custom designs that focus on content, brand building and getting recognition in the search engines. Built with the best plugins. Always mobile friendly and secure.


Scalable websites that focus on your products and generating sales.


Satisfied Clients


Reviews Generated Per Week


Reviews Generated Per Year


Reviews Generated Since Inceptions

Contact Us

Copyright © Smarty Pantz Marketing 2025 All Rights Reserved.
Give us a call: 954-406-7160


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